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The Different Sides of Computer Game Programming

Many people play computer games without realizing the amount of work that goes into creating them. While creativity and thought are essential, computer programming and knowledge of different programming languages are also necessary to make the game both realistic and visually appealing. Computer game programming has many facets, so if you are interested in pursuing courses in this field, take a look at this list.

The game physics programmer is responsible for ensuring that the game uses physics correctly to look and feel realistic. Although most computer games do not entirely simulate the physics of the real world, some aspects of physics are essential for certain games. For example, wind resistance is crucial for dogfights, while fluid but delayed movements of characters in water are necessary for role-playing games.

The artificial intelligence programmer is responsible for developing the logical sequence of the game. When a game involves finding a path, employing strategies, or creating enemy tactics, an artificial intelligence programmer is called upon to make the game intelligent, or in other words, to make the game think on its own. The computer language used for artificial intelligence programming is generally simpler than other languages and can be shared with the game's players.

The graphics programmer uses codes and algorithms to provide graphics in the game's world. In the modern age, a graphics programmer must work in a three-dimensional environment and should have knowledge of calculus, vector math, and other algebraic concepts necessary for rendering such images. Graphics programmers are few, and they may demand high salaries for their work.

The sound programmer provides sounds for characters' dialogues, music, and even sounds that make the game seem more realistic, such as the sound of crunching leaves or grass as characters walk on them. The gameplay programmer enhances the gaming experience by focusing on the game's feel and strategy.

Computer game programming requires a team of scripters who are also usually game designers. These scripters write the game's code, usually using a basic computer language. User interface programmers, or UI programmers, are also necessary. They create a library of different aspects that can be used across a wide variety of worlds within the game or a wide variety of games within a manufacturer. The UI programming language involves a good deal of math, with the aim of producing special effects.

An input programmer writes codes for how different types of hardware, such as the keyboard, joystick, or mouse, will affect the game. The network programmer finds ways for the game to work on a network, where people can play against each other. A porting programmer ensures that the game can work on different platforms and operating systems.

Overseeing all these tasks is the lead game programmer. These are only a few aspects of computer game programming. As the field expands, more programmers of different kinds will be called upon and identified as important.

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