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Keeping Up with Gaming News

The gaming industry is a massive enterprise that receives as much media coverage as any other well-known industry. It is so vast that you can find at least two or three gaming magazines in any store that sells magazines, even in unexpected places like Walgreens Drug Store.

The best part is that regardless of your gaming skill level, you can benefit from this news coverage by using the information you learn to improve your knowledge, equipment, and gameplay. You can also find out about gaming events that you can attend or participate in.

To begin, visit your local game shop. Popular gaming stores like Game Crazy and Game Stop regularly carry relevant magazines, although your local game shop may only carry one. While perusing these magazines, compare the prices of games and game systems. The Gamer Informer magazine is an excellent resource that provides a one to two-inch thick critique of the latest games and systems, including commentary on the Wii, EA games, the PS3, the Xbox 360, PC games, the PS2, the PSP, and the DS system.

Gaming magazines are a comprehensive guide to what's hot and what's not, showing you how news in the mainstream media affects game production and how it can influence not only your purchase decisions but also the type of games you play. It's not uncommon for a game to experience a rise in sales just from being mentioned in the 5:00 news hour.

You can learn about new and competitive gaming businesses before investing in their products. If you dig a little deeper, you can even find out what's influencing the market you're a part of. For example, DIRECTV, Inc., the nation's leading digital service provider, and its partners are taking the professional gaming industry to the next level with the creation of a new video gaming professional sports league that will be the standard for the industry and redefine the consumer gaming experience.

You can also discover how news affects gaming on an international level. For instance, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts announced that its 2007 British Academy Video Games Awards would be held on the evening of Tuesday, October 23, at Battersea Evolution in London.

If you're interested in console-specific information, you can learn about Nintendo's plans to boost Wii production to increase deliveries by next month. However, there's also a chance that you'll find out things you weren't supposed to, like the leak of a "certain" video from a "certain" game.

From these examples, you can see that gaming news is a valuable resource for staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. A monthly subscription to GamePro, Computer Games Magazine, or GameSlice can provide even more in-depth coverage.

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